About our Webinars
Microtia Atresia Australia is committed to providing current and up-to-date information to families of children with microtia and atresia. Our webinars are another way we can share this information.

Recent Webinars
Microtia Atresia Australia are proud to have hosted the following webinars –
Combined Atresia & Microtia Reconstruction (CAM)
with Dr Joseph Roberson
A three part series featuring presentations about Atresia and Atresia Repair, Microtia Repair and the newly released CAMP implant (Combined Atresia Microtia Prosthesis), including a Q&A session with Dr Roberson.
Previous Webinars
Microtia Atresia Australia has hosted the following webinars –
• MED-EL Devices for Atresia Patients
• Introducing the Osia System
• Modern Microtia Reconstruction
Previous webinars may be available to view in our Online Learning Library

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